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The thought of a peaceful Morning on the River paints a serene picture in your mind and this elegant blend adds a lovely touch to another beautiful day.


Background Information

Morning on the River was named by a dear friend who fell in love with this blend during the trial phase. He compared it to a peaceful morning on the river and enjoying the little things in life such as a great cup of coffee. With that beautiful thought in mind, Morning on the River was named and is now our most popular Breakfast Blend. The rich chocolaty, floral flavors and aromas of our Ethiopian Yirgacheffee are complemented by the bright honey and nectarine flavors of our Kenya. This blend holds a special place in our hearts and reminds us to never take the little things for granted.



We pride ourselves on delivering the freshest coffee possible, we accomplish that by shipping your order within 24 hours of it being roasted.

We roast all beans individually, then blend them once they have cooled. This process ensures each bean has been roasted to bring forth its individual flavor profile.

Morning on the River

Sales Tax Included
Price Options
One-time purchase
Once a Month
Get Your River Blend Coffee Automatically and Save 5%
$15.44every month until canceled
  • 100% Satisfaction guarantee: If you don't love your coffee, let us know and we will gladly roast you another type.


    *Customer to pay shipping

    ** No refunds

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